Baroness’s Fertilizer and Idecompo
Baroness’s fertilizer (2 bags) and Idecompo, which I had ordered, has arrived. The soil will also arrive tomorrow in the schedule. I am planning thatching + vertical cutting, topsoiling, and Idecompo for this weekend.
Home Lawn Baroness , Idecompo , fertilizer
Backyard lawn, and conifers and ash in the entrance in this morning. The snow is blowing since last night. Though the snow is about 10 cm depth yet, it seems a snowstorm still continues today.
This is the backyard lawn today, in December 20, 2015. Though it looks a little green this side, it’s completely brown this side. A green place, and a brown place, The same TM9 in the same yard seem to show …
It is the 3rd year. The backyard lawn in 2012. The lawn is standard Korai-Shiba, same as the prior year, 2011. The mowing height is also same (28 to 38 mm), however, the lawn is more flat and beautiful than …
This is today’s lawn on October 31, 2015. Though it is gradually getting brown depending on the place, It is inevitable, because it’s already November tomorrow. In the schedule, the warm season grasses such as Korai-Shiba (Zoysiagrass), including TM-9, do …
It was the cloudy sky in this morning. Though the sun came out around noon, I have to work from 1 o’clock afternoon. I couldn’t burn the lawn today either.
The photo is the Lawn on February 18th, 2016. The snow, which accumulated this week again, is disappearing. This is the lawn today, on February 20th, 2016. The snow’s disappeared but it’s raining a little. The weekly weather forecast says …
It’s sleeting this morning despite it’s March 15th.
The weather is good and the sky is beautifully clear, though it is a little chilly. But it is not about lawn care today. I am preparing Fuyu-gakoi (winter covering) for the conifer and ash in the entrance. We live …
The photo is in the morning on February 11th, 2006. Needle ice formed around a rainwater pit in the corner of the lawn yard. I took photos because it was an excellent needle ice. Backyard lawn. The snow, which fell …
It snowed again, on February 7th, 2016.