Baroness’s Fertilizer and Idecompo
Baroness’s fertilizer (2 bags) and Idecompo, which I had ordered, has arrived. The soil will also arrive tomorrow in the schedule. I am planning thatching + vertical cutting, topsoiling, and Idecompo for this weekend.
Home Lawn Baroness , Idecompo , fertilizer
It was the cloudy sky in this morning. Though the sun came out around noon, I have to work from 1 o’clock afternoon. I couldn’t burn the lawn today either.
The weather is good and the sky is beautifully clear, though it is a little chilly. But it is not about lawn care today. I am preparing Fuyu-gakoi (winter covering) for the conifer and ash in the entrance. We live …
Backyard lawn on February 13th, 2016. It’s been a good weather with no rain or snow for these several days. Today’s weather forecast is cloudy and then rain. I tried to burn lawn before rain falls. This is a “small …
Conifers nad ash on March 27th, 2016, early in the morning. The lawn on the same day. Though it is not enough yet, the green gradually appears and the sign of the growth is perceived. Wood sorrels have appeared together …
The photo is the lawn in the morning on February 25th, 2016. The snow accumulated on the whole surface again last night. But, because it was relatively good weather in the daytime, the snow melted in a short time and …
It rained yesterday and the snow fell last week has almost gone. This is last week, on January 24th. This is today, on January 30th. It’s a big difference. These are conifers and ash in the entrance. The above is …
This is lawn on March 21st. I removed weeds first. Pulling with Nukerunn-desu Mini. I took out wastepaper basket in the living room instead of bucket and took grasses for two baskets. There still remain some, but it’s OK because …
There are no good photos in the 4th year, in 2013. This is March 30, 2013. Nearby in the photo are weeds, but not lawn yard yet. The lawn in distance is in brawn color, because we burned the lawn …
I’ve just started a blog of lawn. We built our new home and planted Korai-Shiba (Zoysiagrass, a Japanese lawn grass) in our backyard in 2010, and then replaced it to a low-maintenance Korai-Shiba, TM9, in 2013. The photo is my …
It’s sleeting this morning despite it’s March 15th.