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Hand-Pulling Weeds, Burning Lawn Grass, Mowing


Lawn on March 21st, 2016. Before procedures.
This is lawn on March 21st.

Lawn weeds.
Weeds removed by Nukerunn-desu Mini.
I removed weeds first. Pulling with Nukerunn-desu Mini. I took out wastepaper basket in the living room instead of bucket and took grasses for two baskets. There still remain some, but it’s OK because they are roughly removed. (Though I entitled it Hand-Pulling, I haven’t pulled exactly by hand because I used Nukerunn-desu Mini. Is it all right?)

Small grass grilled burner (big fire GT-50E).
Backyard lawn after burning.
Then I burnt the lawn grasses. Because the fire didn’t spread, I grilled the entire surface by small grass grilled burner (big fire GT-50E). Though it was somewhat burnt, there are a lot of gaps if you look closely. It is fairly rough, but there is a reason.

In the corner of the yard, a small part of the lawn, which hasn't become green.
There is a small part of the lawn, which hasn’t become green, in the corner of the yard. This place is where I burnt on February 13th. The rumour that burning lawn grass facilitates the spring sprouting was a misconception.

Ryobi Reel-Type Lawn Mower LM-2800 on the lawn.
Ryobi Reel-Type Lawn Mower LM-2800. The cutting height is 5 mm.
Mowing lawn at the end. First, Edge trimming with Ryobi Reel-Type Lawn Mower LM-2800. The cutting height was the lowest of 5 mm. It hit the bricks a little.

Baroness LM12MH. Cutting height 5 mm.
In the middle of the mowing. A photo from the west side.
In the middle of the mowing. A photo from the east side.

Then the advent of Baroness LM12MH. Cutting height was the lowerst of 5 mm again. I enjoyed the smell of the mawing for the first time in several months.

The mown grass in the collector box. The first box.
The mown grass in the collector box. The second box.
Today’s picking was for two collector boxes.

The Lawn after the procedures. A photo from the east side.
The Lawn after the procedures. A photo from the west side.

The backyard Lawn after the procedures. I am planning vertical cutting (root cutting), which embraces thatcing, and topsoiling for the next procedures. I ordered Tachikawa-Heiwa’s soil for 2 bags X 5 sets, 10 bags in total on the internet.

熱処理済み原料のみ使用!芝の目土・床土 約25L×2袋セット(約10平方メートル分です)[g30]

(2016/2/17 22:43時点)

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