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Lawn on January 30th, 2016


Backyard lawn on January 30th, 2016. The snow has almost gone. A photo from the west side.
It rained yesterday and the snow fell last week has almost gone.

Backyard lawn on January 24th, 2016, which is covered with snow.
This is last week, on January 24th.

Backyard lawn on January 30th, 2016. The snow has almost gone. A photo from the east side.
This is today, on January 30th. It’s a big difference.

Conifers and ash in the entrance on January 24th, 2016, which is covered with snow.
Conifers and ash in the entrance on January 30th, 2016. The snow has almost gone.
These are conifers and ash in the entrance. The above is last week, on January 24th and the below is today, on January 30th. Though these pictures make us feel as if the winter has already finished, there still is a possibility of big snow in February and March. We can’t let our guard down.

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