「 autumn foliage 」 一覧
Lawn in Sherbrooke
2015/12/16 Lawn Abroad Eastern Townships, French, Maple Route, Niagara Falls, province of Québec, Québec City, Sherbrooke, United Empire Loyalists, autumn foliage, Canada
This is a lawn in Sherbrooke in Québec, Canada. The photo is October 8, 2007. We went to see the autumn foliage this day. The red autumn leaves are beautiful. The best sightseeing places on the east of Canada are …
Lawn in a Park in Montreal
2015/12/10 Lawn Abroad autumn foliage, Canadian Flag, maple, NDG, Notre-Dame-de-Grace, peak, taking a walk
This is a lawn in a park which was located in Notre-Dame-de-Grace (NDG) district in Montreal. Though I don’t remember the exact location, the park is probably located in around this area. There were a lot of parks in Montreal. …