「 Baroness 」 一覧
Baroness’s Fertilizer and Idecompo
2016/03/24 Home Lawn Idecompo, fertilizer, Baroness
Baroness’s fertilizer (2 bags) and Idecompo, which I had ordered, has arrived. The soil will also arrive tomorrow in the schedule. I am planning thatching + vertical cutting, topsoiling, and Idecompo for this weekend.
Cutting Lawn Seed Stalk of TM9
2015/10/28 Lawn Seed Stalk of TM9 antioxidant, Baroness, living room, LM12MH, lubricant, natural drying, spray, storage, water-wash
I cut the seed stalks of TM9 in the early morning on Saturday. Though I say cutting seed stalk, the actual procedure is completely same as the usual lawn mowing. There are no differences. The mower is Baroness LM12MH. Shear …
I Mowed My Lawn
2015/10/10 Mowing 8mm, Baroness, collector box, electric, lawn mower, LM12MH, mowing height, photo, yard
I mowed my lawn. The mowing height was 8 mm, the same as the last time. The photo was taken in the midst of the mowing. The left side is already mown, while the right side is not yet. Mowing …