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「 green 」 一覧


Lawn in December 20, 2015

This is the backyard lawn today, in December 20, 2015. Though it looks a little green this side, it’s completely brown this side. A green place, and a brown place, The same TM9 in the same yard seem to show …


Finishing Conifer’s Fuyu-gakoi

I finished conifer’s Fuyu-gakoi (winter covering) which was in the middle by wrapping net on Sunday, October 8. (I also changed my tires to the studless tires on the same day.) I visited several DIY stores and looked for the …


I’ve Just Started a Lanw Blog

  2015/10/03    Home Lawn , , ,

I’ve just started a blog of lawn. We built our new home and planted Korai-Shiba (Zoysiagrass, a Japanese lawn grass) in our backyard in 2010, and then replaced it to a low-maintenance Korai-Shiba, TM9, in 2013. The photo is my …