「 月別アーカイブ:2016年01月 」 一覧
Lawn on January 30th, 2016
2016/01/30 Home Lawn, Conifer and Ash snow, rain
It rained yesterday and the snow fell last week has almost gone. This is last week, on January 24th. This is today, on January 30th. It’s a big difference. These are conifers and ash in the entrance. The above is …
Lawn on January 24th, 2016
2016/01/24 Home Lawn, Conifer and Ash snow, snowstorm
Backyard lawn, and conifers and ash in the entrance in this morning. The snow is blowing since last night. Though the snow is about 10 cm depth yet, it seems a snowstorm still continues today.
How to Make a Bilingual Site|Create a Multilingual Site in WordPress
2016/01/23 WordPress and Blog multisite, network, plugin, Multisite Language Switcher, Japanese, multilingual site, English, blog, WordPress
I changed this site “Backyard Lawn” into a bilingual site in January 2016. I will explain the process. The WordPress is used for creating this blog. The theme is “Stinger5”. The actual server of this blog is XSERVER, but the …
2016/01/23 Home Lawn
Snow has fallen this week. Above photo is January 19th, when the snow started to fall. It’s probably 2 to 3 cm yet. This is the next day, January 20th. Some dozen centimeters of snow have accumulated. Though this is …
Lawn in Quebec City
2016/01/10 Lawn Abroad Plains of Abraham, Terrasse Dufferin, Battle of the Plains of Abraham, fortified city, Breakneck Steps, rue du Petit-Champlain, Québec City, World Heritage, Château Frontenac, ferry
It’s about Quebec City, the capital of the province of Quebec, this time. The photo is the Château Frontenac, the landmark hotel in Quebec City, which was taken from a ferry across the St. Lawrence River. It’s 2 to 3 …
This Blog has Become a Bilingual Site
2016/01/10 Home Lawn, Conifer and Ash, WordPress and Blog New Year's Day, bilingual site, blog
Happy New Year. I wish you all the best for this year. But, it’s already January 10 today. I was so busy for creating this bilingual site, that I couldn’t post a new article on New Year breaks. Please click …