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Yabu-Garashi and MCPP


Sprouts of Bushkiller in the lawn. Green leaves and purple stalks.
I saw sprouts of Yabu-Garashi (Bushkiller or Cayratia japonica) in the edge of the yard, the day before yesterday, before mowing. We usually remove weeds by hand, however, Yabu-Garashi appears again and again in the same place after manual weeding. We need to defeat its underground rhizomes and roots to abolish it. Therefore, we use herbicide only for this situation.

A bottle of herbicide, MCPP. In front of tile deck and green lawn.
We use MCPP in our yard. We originally bought it for Sugina (horsetail) and then applied it to Yabu-Garashi because they both spread by rhizomes. And it worked. Because MCPP does not harm the Poaceae (true grass) family plants, such as the lawn grasses, it is useful in weeding lawn areas. It is usually sprayed at a dilution of 1:100 to 1:400, however, we usually use it in our home yard as follows.

Brawn MCPP original solution in a clear cup and a blue toothbrush.
Prepare undiluted original solution and an old toothbrush no longer used.

Applying MCPP directly to the sprouts of Bushkiller with a toothbrush.
And apply it directly to the targets.

Bushkillers, which withered and became brown.
Two days later, they withered completely. Although they appeared after a while this time, this method suppressed Sugina and Yabu-Garashi very well and makes them rarely seen these days. It seems to work even for the underground rhizomes.

When I sprayed MCPP for the first time at a dilution of 1:200, it caused some damage to the surrounding lawn though it decreased Sugina. Then I apply it directly without spraying, for a part because there only a few Sugina and Yabu-Garashi appears. It does not need to be undiluted solution, however, because dilution causes excess amount of solution which is difficult to discard, I only prepare the minimum required amount. I increase the solution by diluting with some adequate amount of water, when the number of the targets is large.

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